Pimples Treatment Procedure

Medical Procedures for Acne If you can't get rid of acne with topical or oral medications, or if you have scars from previous breakouts, the dermatologists at NYU Langone can perform a number of medical procedures to help you get smoother skin. All of these procedures can be carried out in the office of your dermatologist.

Make an appointment and check out our specialists to get the help you need.

Find a Doctor and Make an Appointment for Corticosteroid Injections Corticosteroid injections are frequently a quick way to get rid of large, painful, and deeply rooted blemishes. A steroid solution is injected into the blemish by a dermatologist to get to the root of the clogged pore. During an appointment, he or she may inject medication into multiple spots. Injections of steroids can have an immediate effect.

By exfoliating, or stripping away, the layers on the surface of the skin, chemical peels, which are typically made from concentrated glycolic acid—a substance derived from sugar cane—can clear blackheads, whiteheads, and papules. The removal of damaged skin cells aids in the stimulation of new skin growth and prevents clogged pores.

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A dermatologist applies a layer of glycolic acid solution to the affected skin and leaves it on for a few minutes before performing a chemical peel. The solution may slightly sting or burn. After that, a layer of damaged skin is removed by washing away the solution. Improvements typically take a few days to show up, and during this time, your skin may be more sensitive to sunlight.

If you plan to spend time outdoors in the days following a chemical peel, your doctor may advise you to wear broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.

New Techniques for Acne Redness, Skin Discoloration, and Scarring on the Surface of the Skin Laser and light-based Therapies are New Techniques for Acne Redness, Skin Discoloration, and Scarring on the Surface of the Skin Our dermatologists provide a variety of laser and light-based treatments that can be carried out with handheld devices or larger panels of long, thin light bulbs that emit specially tailored light for dermatological care. Based on your symptoms, your doctor decides what kind of therapy is best for you.

These high-energy light sources may, depending on the treatment, reduce inflammation, stimulate your body's natural production of new skin cells, or stop acne bacteria from multiplying. Your dermatologist may numb the skin with a cream prior to certain procedures because you may experience some discomfort.

In some cases, you might see results after just one treatment. For best results, laser and light-based therapies typically require multiple sessions.

Your skin may be tender, shiny, or red for a few days following certain types of light therapies.

Treatments for Extraction Extraction is the "popping" or removing of a blemish. It may be tempting to remove blemishes yourself by squeezing, popping, or scratching, but a dermatologist is much more skilled at doing so safely. He or she removes a spot with a sterilized instrument and covers your face to prevent scarring. After that, your dermatologist can determine which additional treatments will work best to prevent another breakout. Before you begin a long-term medication treatment, your doctor may advise you to have one or more spots removed.