Full-Mouth Implants: What Are They?
Dentures might come to mind immediately when you think about getting new teeth. Dentures, on the other hand, have their own drawbacks, often resulting in discomfort or embarrassment, despite the fact that they can partially address the issue. Full mouth implants accomplish exactly what their name implies: they provide an alternative to dentures.
Dental implants for the entire mouth function similarly to single implants. In order to replace the missing tooth, a crown is attached to a titanium screw that is inserted into the jawbone. However, for full mouth implants, not every tooth that is missing needs to be replaced with an implant. Instead, bridgework supported by the implants can be used to replace groups of missing teeth.
Full mouth implants, a treatment option that is often used, have many advantages over other options:
Because Comfort Implants are permanently anchored to your jawbone, they resemble natural teeth in appearance and feel. This means that you can eat and talk normally without worrying about them making your mouth feel worse.
Stability Implants move with your mouth as you eat, talk, and smile because they are inserted directly into your jawbone. Conversely, dentures are significantly less stable and susceptible to loosening.
Support The only way to replace all of your teeth while protecting your bone and dental health is with implants. As the implants fuse with your jawbone, they work to support your facial features and keep the bone healthy.
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Maintenance Despite the fact that you do not need to take your implants out to clean them, you should still practice good oral hygiene. However, just like your normal teeth, they can last a lifetime if you brush and floss frequently and go to the dentist often.