Breast reduction is a cosmetic procedure to reduce the size, shape, and uplift of the breasts by removing excess fat and skin.
How does a breast reduction work?
Painful pressure from bra straps, difficulty or discomfort while exercising, skin irritations under the breast fold, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, and other physical symptoms can all be alleviated with the procedure.
How does breast reduction surgery work?
Text overlayed over a presentation by a man: attend one of our upcoming open events for free cosmetic surgery. A breast reduction is done with general anesthesia. Between one and a half and three hours is common.
Breast reduction can be achieved through a number of different surgical procedures. Fat and excess skin are removed. The nipples and shape of your breasts are changed. Each method results in additional scarring, and all procedures leave a scar around the areola, or dark area around the nipple. Each procedure will be discussed with you by your surgeon, and you and they will decide which is best for your particular case. You can also use breast reduction to fix your breasts' asymmetry (imbalance).
After breast reduction surgery, patients typically return home the same day, though they may need to stay overnight. There may be drains (plastic tubes) and dressings on your breasts. Typically, the drains are removed before you leave the hospital.
Post-operative pain medications and instructions for your dressings and any stitches you may have will be given to you.
The majority of patients return to normal activities within six weeks and are mobile from day one. However, everyone's healing process is unique. Make sure to talk to your surgeon about returning to work.
Over time, breast reduction results improve gradually. As the healing process continues, your breasts should become softer and appear more natural.
ONLY A GUIDE TO STAGES OF RECOVERY IS PROVIDED BY THIS CHART. Because everyone heals differently, your outcomes may differ.
Days 1 through 7, Week 2: 4 to 6 weeks, 6 to 9 months You might feel some pain for a week. This can be alleviated with mild painkillers, but do not take aspirin.
Keep moving around to avoid complications after surgery.
For about three weeks, I wore a sports bra all day and night.
could pull on you, which could hurt a little when you move around.
The stitches that can't be removed will be taken out.
Start increasing your activity gradually.
You should be able to return to work within two weeks, depending on your job.
Only drive when you feel safe doing so.
For at least four weeks, don't do anything heavy like lift or push.
You don't need to wear a bra at night, but you should wear one during the day.
The loss of breast and nipple sensation continues to get worse.
Scars will start to fade and soften.
You can begin to evaluate the outcome.
There is always a chance of complications during surgery. Make sure to talk to your surgeon about any worries you might have about these risks.
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Consequences specific to breast reduction:
Loss of skin, including the areola and nipple, numbness, or persistent pain on the outer portion of the breast Stiff shoulder Change in breast and nipple sensation Uneven shape: After having breast reduction surgery, their shape will change. They may develop slightly lopsided, lumpy, or uneven nipples. They may not be able to breastfeed.